Intake and Triage

Legal intake software for
in-house legal teams

Automate. Simplify. Assign. Delegate.

Most in-house legal teams receive briefings from a surprisingly large number of sources: paper forms, email, telephone, an impromptu visit, or a passing discussion in the lunchroom.

Automating the matter intake and briefing process is an obvious way to streamline, automate, simplify and improve the internal client experience while reducing matter durations for the legal team. A standardized intake and triage procedure ensures all matters are treated consistently, created and assessed immediately, reducing the risk of matter loss or extended elapsed time for critical matters.

Dazychain’s legal intake solutions help legal teams to optimize intake and triage, speed up the team’s response to clients, and save hours of administration time each week through automation.

Simplify Intake & Triage Process

Standardized, easy-to-use client intake form

Collect and classify legal information quickly and comprehensively

Reduce human errors

Delegate tasks with greater efficiency

Simplify repeat intake and triage processes for everyone

Standardize intake with custom intake forms

Create a simple and convenient intake experience

Intake forms provide a structured format for collecting matter-related information. By using Dazychain’s customized intake forms, legal teams can streamline the legal intake process, and ensure that they receive consistent and complete information for each matter, reducing the risk of missing critical details or making errors.

The intake form can include a wide range of information such as internal client details, matter type, region, business unit, urgency, related matters, associated documents and emails and briefing background.

When the internal client submits the form, a detailed matter is created in the Intake folder in Dazychain. The nominated team members are notified via email and Dazychain that a new matter has arrived, at which point they can assess the matter, triage it for urgency and appropriateness, allocate it to the appropriate team member and move it to the nominated location.

  • Designate required fields so no matters can be submitted without a minimum level of detail
  • Allocate fields for nominating the urgency of a matter so high-priority matters receive immediate attention
  • The ability to attach supporting documents means more information can be provided at the intake stage
  • Eliminate paper intake forms, repeated requests for briefing information, ad hoc emails, and conversations in the lunchroom with a single process that everyone follows
  • Include specific fields and prompts to guide internal staff through the matter submission processes
  • A simplified, user-friendly process means team members are more likely to report matters that need attention, reducing organizational risk
  • Utilize shared inboxes, intranet, or hyperlinks in your email signature to link to intake forms
  • Intake form submissions create new matters automatically in an intake folder ready for triaging
  • Categorize the priority of new matters so that there are no delays, or missed deadlines
  • Ensure that the correct task is allocated to the correct resource at the right time, making changes to matters to improve accuracy or completeness
  • Automate intake to free up resources and save time
  • Immediately delegate tasks and sub-tasks to relevant team members
  • Ensure anyone can easily submit a request without the intervention of the legal team
  • Drag and drop files/documents to attach them to relevant legal matters
  • Customize assessment criteria to align with your organization’s goals and objectives
  • Reduce legal team time on internal client follow-up
  • Search for similar current or past matters to avoid duplication
  • Allocate a risk level based on predefined criteria
  • Quantify and rank the potential legal and financial risks associated with each incoming matter
  • Promptly identify and prioritize matters with high legal complexity, potential financial impact and reputational risk
  • Allocate the matter to a team member, who receives an instant notification
  • Accommodate an increasing volume of matters as the team or organization grows
  • Leverage intake and triage reports to support requests for additional resources using reports of incoming matters to create a business case
  • Scale up internal capacity with new staff knowing Dazychain offers complimentary training for new team members
  • Additional server capacity or cloud resources can be easily added as needed

Generate more meaningful reports

Data integrity you can rely on

Build data collection for intake and triage for more detailed and granular reporting and produce insightful information that spans the entire matter management process.

A more streamlined intake process supports data consistency, completeness, and reliability, enabling legal teams to extract valuable insights, assess performance, and make informed decisions that align with the organization’s strategic goals.

  • Triage processes often incorporate objective criteria for assessing risk and urgency. When these criteria are consistently applied, the resulting data is more reliable for reporting
  • Change urgency levels of matters based on legal team assessment rather than internal client assessment of urgency
  • Standardized intake forms ensure all relevant information for each matter is captured
  • Consistent data is comparable making it easier to identify trends, outliers and areas that require attention in triage or intake processes
  • Quantify all aspects of the intake and triage process to make better resourcing decisions to improve the client intake journey
  • Tailor intake and triage reports to address specific business objectives
  • Analyze matters by type, priority, risk, and other relevant factors
  • Capture the full picture of your organization’s legal needs and your team’s workload and output
  • Identify areas for process improvement

“…what we tended to do previously was, every time a new instruction came in, we’d open a new matter. Dazychain gives me the ability to quickly search and identify whether we’ve already looked at something similar (or the same), and so instead of opening a new matter, we just open an extension of the existing matter or leverage the work that was previously done.”

John Pease
Deputy CEO & Company Secretary
Power and Water Corporation

Transform your legal department

Dazychain matter management systems are the ideal choice for your team. This legal matter management software suite is designed specifically for in-house legal departments. Built from the ground up, it provides the features, functionality, and flexibility you need to deliver real value to your entire organization.

  • Centralize emails and documents
  • Increase accountability through transparent, automated workflows
  • Know exactly where your organization stands in regard to crucial matters

Boost your department’s performance with a seamless intake process!

The efficient management of legal matters is critical for in-house legal teams, and it begins with a well-structured intake and triage process. Dazychain’s legal intake software provides simple solutions to the key challenges faced by corporate legal teams.

We ensure that the in-house legal team has the tools to work more effectively with internal and external clients. Dazychain eliminates the need for unnecessary back-and-forth between clients and the team. And our intake and triage process offers a quick, seamless, and impressive experience for all stakeholders. Enjoy faster turnaround times, more detailed instructions, better briefing and seamless workflow management as Dazychain takes care of intake and triage for you.

See Dazychain in action

With Dazychain’s innovative platform you can…

  • Showcase your strategic value

  • Track, measure, and present every legal decision, regardless of its size

  • Highlight your invaluable contribution to the company’s growth and direction

  • Elevate your role with Dazychain as the spotlight that underscores your strategic prowess